Satisfaction Guarantee Policy

Birdview PSA is try-before-you-buy products. We provide a free trial version of our software for your convenience. During your trial period, our support staff is available to assist in installation and configuration via email, instant messengers and if necessary, limited telephone support is offered. We strongly recommend that all users sign-up for an online trial, and test the fully functional trial versions prior to making a purchase.

Money back guarantee

We offer 30-day refund policy for any hosted or in-house subscriptions, no questions asked. If you are not completely satisfied with our product or if due to technical difficulties the software will not function, we will issue you a full refund within the first 30 days. In such instances, the “Refund Request Form” on your company letterhead will be required to process the refund.


No long-term obligations: You can cancel your account any time. If you decide to cancel your account after 30 days, you will be charged for the current billing cycle but will not be charged again. There are no refunds for the unused portion of your subscription after first 30 days.

For example, if you’ve purchased an annual subscription on January 1st, and then on September 30th you decided to cancel your subscription, no further charges will be made to your credit card, but you will not receive a refund for the period of September 30th to December 31st.

Please note, there will be no refunds issued for any completed professional services, including training, BI or product customization work, etc.

Please send any questions regarding our refund policy to [email protected]

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