Quickly set up your budget and track it against actual costs in real-time. Leverage advanced financial planning using such metrics as Cost variance, Work in progress, Estimated budget profitability, Upfront billing utilization, and more.
Get valuable insights into your time and money spent to improve your planning and resource management workflows.
Birdview supports both Fixed Cost and Time & Material billing models, enabling you to charge your clients using various billing options:
Streamline and shorten the delivery-to-cash timeline. Getting paid faster ensures that your team, contractors, and vendors are paid on time and it allows you to invest the cash back into the business to scale and grow faster.
With Integration between Birdview and Accounting and ERP platforms of your choice (e.g. QuickBooks, NetSuite, Deltek, Microsoft Dynamics, etc ), the entire invoicing process runs smoother, takes less time, and helps you eliminate manual errors and speeds up the approval process.
Planned and actual payments can also be tracked within Birdview.
Track financial health across all projects and make smart decisions powered by relevant up-to-date data using the Birdview robust project budgeting software.
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