
Help your team save time and become more effective by integrating with 5,000+ of your favorite business tools, including MS Outlook, Jira, Salesforce, Hubspot, Adobe Create Cloud.

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No-Code Automation builder

Experience seamless and easy automation with Birdview Automation.

With our intuitive builder, you can effortlessly automate processes without any need for coding knowledge. Simply choose your app and the triggering event, specify the destination app and the actions to be executed, and select the data to transfer.

The process is straightforward, ensuring you’re all set to go with your streamlined, automated workflow within minutes.

Ready to use integrations

5000+ Integrations via our partners

hubspot icon
Deal status changes
Triggers when the deal status has changed.
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Create a project
Creates a new project based on a template.
google calendar icon
Create new event
Triggers when a new event is added.
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Create a task
Creates a new activity.
salesforce icon
Opportunity status “Closed/Won”
Triggers when an opportunity status has changed to “Closed/Won”.
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Create a project
Creates a new project based on a template.
dropbox icon
Create a task
Triggers when a new file is uploaded.
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birdview icon
Create a project
Creates a new activity.
Connect 4000+ apps

Connect thousands of popular apps with Birdview using Zapier to automate your business processes. No code is required.

Connect 1000+ apps

Do everything in one place. Customize your Birdview integrations with the following triggers and actions.

API Integrations

API integrations power processes throughout many high-performing businesses that keep data in sync, enhance productivity, and drive revenue.

Can't find the integration
you need? Let's make it happen!
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To ensure your demo is tailored to your team’s specific needs, we're connecting you with a product specialist to better understand your requirements.

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Schedule a 30-minute meeting to start your trial

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It’ll take you 8-minutes to see
Birdview Professional Services features in action:

  • Project Management
  • Financial Management
  • Resource Management
  • Custom Reporting
  • Artificial Intelligence
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to achieving game-changing results!

Create your account right now. Have a great start with your 14-day trial!

For the best experience please access Birdview PSA from a desktop PC or tablet or download Birdview PSA app at